Sonskynfees 2015: Steve Hofmeyr

Steve Hofmeyr (born 29 August 1964) is a South African singer, songwriter and actor. He is an activist for Afrikaner rights in South Africa, and has been involved in several controversies throughout his professional career.

Hofmeyr married actress Natasha Sutherland, whom he had met on the set of Egoli: Place of Gold in 1998, they had two sons, Sebastian, born 13 December 2001 and Benjamin, born later. Hofmeyr also has three other children by other women. The couple was divorced after reports of numerous affairs dominated Hofmeyr’s time in the spotlight in 2008. Hofmeyr married Janine van der Vyver on 26 January 2014. In 2008, Janine van der Vyver, a fitness instructor, revealed they had been seeing each other for 10 years.

Hofmeyr’s grandfather was Steve Hofmeyr Sr., a leader in the Ossewabrandwag.

In January 2007, there were reports that one branch of the News Cafe restaurant chain would not play Hofmeyr’s song Pampoen (“Pumpkin”). The managing director of the company that owns the franchise denies that this is company policy and points out that many Afrikaans acts, such as Karen Zoid and Arno Carstens have performed at News Cafe.

In 2011, he made public that he supports the organisation “Expedition for Afrikaner Self-Determination” (Onafhanklike Afrikaner Selfbeskikkingsekspedisie, OASE). OASE describes itself as an advocacy group for Afrikaner self-determination in compliance with the international law and the guidelines of the international community. He is an avid pro-Afrikaner but mentioned that he maintains a moderate political stance in an OASE public relations video.

Hofmeyr was heavily criticised after performing the former South African national anthem, Die Stem, at a cultural festival known as Innibos in Nelspruit in July 2014.He went on to perform the anthem on international tours, and encouraged South Africans to continue singing it, stating that it did not contain any form of hate speech.

In October 2014, Hofmeyr wrote and published a tweet stating that he believed that black South Africans were the “architects of apartheid” on his public Twitter account. This prompted a significant public backlash. One of Hofmeyr’s critics was puppeteer Conrad Koch and his puppet Chester Missing, who launched a campaign calling on companies to stop sponsoring Hofmeyr. On 27 November 2014, Hofmeyr failed to acquire a final protection order against Koch and his puppet in the Randburg Magistrate’s Court.

Hofmeyr has given statements indicative of an apartheid denialist which has led various journalists and public figures to label him a “disgrace to South Africa”

Information of Steve Hofmeyr as quoted from Wikipedia

Here are some of the photo’s I’ve taken at the 2015 Sonskynfees.

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Birding at Blaauwberg

Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull and African Black Oystercatcher
Kelp Gull and African Black Oystercatcher
Kelp Gull and African Black Oystercatcher
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull
Kelp Gull in flight
Kelp Gull in flight
Kelp Gull in flight
Kelp Gull in flight
Kelp Gull and African Black Oystercatcher
Kelp Gull and African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher
African Black Oystercatcher in flight
African Black Oystercatcher in flight
Franklin’s Gull
Franklin’s Gull

It has been a while since I did any birding photography. At one stage in my career that was all I focused on and one way or the other I just stopped. Why I have no idea but this I can say I have missed it a lot. I think it is time to start doing it again. I totally forgot how to do bird in flight photo’s and jeez did I have a lot of out of focus ones….

Thank you for stopping by.



Table Mountain

About a week ago I went to visit a dear friend in Table View. I grabbed my camera bag just in case… So glad I did.

I decided to go to Blaauwberg to check out a new spot for some future photo shoots. Got some beautiful photo’s of our beloved Table Mountain from different angles. TM_7409 TM_7412 TM_7413 TM_7416 TM_7417 TM_7420 TM_7421 TM_7423 TM_7424 TM_7425 TM_7427

I also spend some time there photographing the waves breaking against the rocks with Table Mountain in the background.TM_7428 TM_7430 TM_7431 TM_7432 TM_7442 TM_7444 TM_7445 TM_7446 TM_7447 TM_7450

Lian in action on the cricket field

Warming up

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Tossing of the coin

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LK_2320 LK_2321 Lian’s face when he saw he bowled a wide…
LK_2346 LK_2348 Just look at this bowling action…. Who said white men can’t jump…..LK_2401 LK_2402 LK_2403 LK_2404 LK_2405 LK_2406 LK_2407 LK_2408 LK_2409 LK_2410 LK_2412 LK_2413 LK_2414 LK_2415 LK_2416 LK_2417 LK_2418 LK_2419


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I started out using Manual mode and Auto Focus and ended up with Manual Mode and Manually focusing…. Much better….

My Photo someones Quote: Day 221

Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.

Jeanne Moreau
Nov7 221

My Photo’s Someones Quote: Day 199

Oct16 199


“Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth – rain or shine…”

Maltbie Babcock

My Photo’s Someones Quote: Day 194

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”

 Walt Disney

Oct11 194

Ruby Tuesday: 28/29 Weeks

Ruby_3547 Ruby_3549 Ruby_3555 Ruby_3557


Ruby_3561Ruby_3563 Ruby_3566 Ruby_3567 Ruby_3569 Ruby_3572 Ruby_3574Ruby is really growing up very fast. She is also much more protective over us.  When a stranger comes closer her neck hair stands up and the her tail curls upwards. She also barks at everyone and at other dogs. I know this is also just a phase she is going through. She ‘s very alert and if she hears strange noises she goes and investigate.

She is still in love with her ball. When she gets outside she goes and sit in front of the wooden box where we keep her balls and her comb.  She is not yet very keen on the brushing side of things but she will play ball all day I think. What we do now is while playing ball we brush her. She is loosing allot of fur now and this means more cleaning work for me, but I don’t mind I love her to bits.


Photography Lesson 10: Low light Manual Photography

In this lesson I started introducing Low Light and Manual Photography to Lizette. I want to prepare her for every situation that she will have to face some time in her photography career. Manual Mode is very useful when you need to take photo’s in very low light and are not allowed to use a flash.

I did not have someone to help me so I had to learn the hard way and by practicing and still practicing to perfect  my own photography.  Once you get the hang of Manual mode you will see a big difference in your photography. I used to shoot in AV but now a days I only shoot in Manual mode.

Here are some practice shots of my trusted studio “models”.

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Ruby Tuesday: 25/26 Weeks

Hi there I am back after a lovely week in the Northern Cape. I visited a few nature reserves and took lots of photos. Unfortunately I missed week 24/25  due to my travels…

Here are some photo’s I took of Ruby while we were playing catch this afternoon. She loves playing with her ball.

Ruby_1592 Ruby_1597 Ruby_1606 Ruby_1607 Ruby_1609 Ruby_1620 Ruby_1643

My Photo’s Someones Quote: Day 162

Sept9 162


God, I trust you with all of my heart. Wherever you want me to go, I will go. Even if it’s not where I planned. Lead me & I will follow.

My Photo’s Someones Quote: Day 159



God has a bright future in store for you!

– Keep standing – Keep believing – Keep hoping

Ruby Tuesday: 23/24 Weeks

Hi there, I know I am a day late but I was very busy yesterday and did not have time to post.  I did take some photo’s of her yesterday morning before I began working.

I think Ruby has stop growing for now. She is busy getting new teeth and eat allot but she is standing still. Well so it seems.

Ruby has enough energy for 4 dogs and she is really giving me allot of exercise. She has this new habit she comes and sit by me and then she starts moaning. Normally when she moans she wants to go outside to use her bathroom… Nowadays she moans and as soon as she gets outside she runs straight to the wooden box were we keep her ball.  She wants to play fetch the whole time…

The boys are studying for their exams so on their break they would go play fetch with Ruby. This works for me because now the boys also get some fresh air and some exercise.

Here are some of the photo’s of Ruby and I also throw in some of Tammy and Tekkies.


Ruby_6976 Ruby_6983 Ruby_6985Ruby_6999



I will not be posting next week Tuesday. I will if I have time post photo’s of Ruby on Sunday. I am going away on holiday from 9 September to 16 September 🙂


Ruby Tuesday: 22/23 Weeks

Ruby_6687 Ruby_6691 Ruby_6692 Ruby_6713 Ruby_6714Today it’s to cold outside and I don’t want to be in the wind to long. Just got over the flu and are looking forward to my holiday in two weeks time.  Today I took photo’s of Ruby on her “playpen”  (our bed). As you can see the covers I put over keeps getting darker…

The coat hanger she’s busy chewing she got the first day that she came to us. It was lying in the sun-room and I wanted to throw it away but when she started playing with it I let it be. She is still playing with it but now it is in two pieces inside the cover. The Crocks I gave her also the day when she came to us this was to prevent her from chewing our shoe’s. It is working very good so far only one incident when she took my husbands shoe to her bed but she did not chew on it, she chewed her Crock…

Ruby is still barking at everything and the latest is chasing the poor birds when they come to feed….


Trying out a new combination….













Usually I have my 50mm Lens on my Canon 500D but Sunday I decided to try my 50mm on my Canon 7D. WOW I thought I got great shot’s before with my Canon 500D but I must honestly say from now on I’ll switch lenses more often…

In the past I took my photo’s in Aperture Priority mode but the past two months I switch between Aperture Priority and Manual mode.  I am getting much better in Manual mode and as soon as I am confident enough I’ll shoot mainly in Manual.

Ronald was playing fetch with Ruby. I saw the opportunity to try some action photo’s in manual mode and I am happy to say I am very happy with my results. 🙂

This week you will get a double dose of Ruby… Keep a lookout for Ruby Tuesday tomorrow. 🙂


Expanding my Photography boundaries…


If you can remember a few weeks ago I posted some photo’s of beautiful ladies in cocktail dresses.  Well with the cocktail dresses I still had a working flash.

When it got to the evening dresses my external flash batteries was dead and I tried to take some photo’s with my camera’s built in flash but for the distance I had to zoom it was  far to weak.

I had to expand my photography boundaries and tried something new. I took photo’s in manual mode without a tripod and only the knowledge of an article or two I read on this type of photography a while back…

I must be very honest with you and I think I have right to brag… My photo’s came out stunning!!!

Now if I can only get the opportunity to practice some more…. I think I can show some of the photographers with their degrees in photography a thing or two.  I am proud to say that I am a self taught photographer. My friend showed me the basics and the rest of my knowledge I got from reading articles in photography magazines and on the internet.

If I am uncertain about what to do for a upcoming photo shoot, I go to my computer.  Google is a wonderful tool to have I just type in the topic I want to research and within seconds it gives you lists and lists of articles on the topic. I then grab my “boyfriend” and start practicing.  I use the information I gathered as a guideline and then  I start playing with my camera’s settings. I believe in practice, practice, practice and practice oh and then once more practice. I don’t think that any photographer out there can stop practicing. Well maybe I am the only one that thinks like that.

Okay you waited long enough here are the photo’s I took of the lovely ladies in their evening dresses.







Project 365 Photo a day: 365/132

One of my clients took part in a beauty pageant I was lucky enough to be there as a guest and took some photo’s just for the fun of it.  This morning Sunette asked me if I had photo’s of her in her evening dress. This is one of the photo’s I took that evening of her dress. As you know from previous posts I was not prepared that evening and when I got to the evening dresses I had to rely on my camera and the settings I used. My batteries for my flash was flat…. I took the photo’s in Manual mode and I must be honest I am very happy with the results of the photo’s.  The photo’s are not perfect but with practice  I will only get better and better….

My beautiful client Sunette in her evening dress

Project 365 Photo a day: 365/25

It’s cold outside and the pigeons are all sitting in little bundles on the branches to get warm.  One pigeon however sitting all alone on a branch way on top of the Oak tree caught my eye.

I took a photo of  it and then waited for it to take off. I stood outside in the cold for half an hour before the pigeon decided to take off. Only after I took the photo’s of the pigeon taking off I realized that I was still in manual mode. The photo’s did not come out really great.

Pigeon on branch of Oak Tree. Black & White
Pigeon taking off....

Project 365 Photo a day: 365/23

Today I played with my manual mode without my flash… Just love the way the photo’s of my candles  came out.

This was a one of a set of three candles that Anton a boy we had in foster care a few years back bought me for Christmas…. Anton still come and visit me now and then.

Well here are today’s photo’s.

Candle reflecting in the mirror Black and White
Candle burning