Our next stop: Seeberg Viewpoint

Hallo there hope everything is well on your end.

Our next stop while visiting The Westcoast National Park is Seeberg Viewpoint.

This brought back memories of our previous visit while mom was still alive… She loved coming to the park.

The wind was blowing and it was very chilly but that did not stop us from exploring. The views were extra beautiful with the grey sky and yellow blanket of flowers…

One observation I made during our stop at Seeberg was that the yellow flowers have taken over and only a few white, orange and purple flowers was spotted.

Dad and I talked about it and came to the conclusion that the yellow flowers must be more drought resistant…. Well that’s just our observation….

West Coast National Park: Seeberg Birdhide.

As we entered the park from the Langebaan entrance our first stop is the Seeberg Birdhide.

Over the past few years visiting the park one notice the change in scenery. I love walking on the walkway and capturing my surroundings.

But that day we were not able to leisurely strole down the wooden walkway as always. It started raining. We were very happy about the rain though. Our dams in the Western Cape was at a critical low before the winter and we needed every drop of water we could get.

From a photographers point of view. A cloudy day always makes beautiful photos and the light is perfect. Only down side was the flowers did not open until it was a bit warmer…. But I still had the beautiful landscapes…..

I hope you enjoyed your walk with us. Our next stop will be The Seeberg lookout…..

Breakfast at Driftwoods

Good day everyone…

Well, after our quick stop in Hopefield, we were on our way to Yzerfontein to have breakfast at the farm stall there… On our way I realized I took the wrong turn off I was supposed to go through Darling instead of Hopefield. This was not a trainsmash instead we headed to Langebaan.

We went to the beach area and parked the car. It was early and most of the businesses was still closed. Then dad showed me that Driftwoods just put out their sign. I asked them if they were open for breakfast yet. The manager said they are busy prepping the kitchen but we are more than welcome to have a cup of coffee so long.

It was a beautiful cloudy and cool morning and we wanted a table with a nice view. We ordered our coffee and started going through the menu to see what we would like for breakfast. As luck would have it I had to pick up on a typo on their new menu’s. Yes I think I am cursed I always pick up on simple stuff like that.

It was not long after they served us our coffee that the waiter said they are ready to take our order…. When dad ordered his breakfast the waiter looked as if he never heard of it before. He asked dad if he can please say it again. Dad repeated his order. I could clearly see the waiter was a bit confused. I then showed the waiter the two menus and he called the manager. We all had a good laugh over the typo.

I can absolutely with no doubt in my mind refer Driftwood’s for your next or future visit to Langebaan. The service is excellent, the food delicious and the staff was very friendly and one felt at home…

Early morning coffee at Driftwood’s

We are off to the Westcoast National Park…. Watch this space…

A quick stop in Hopefield

Last year my Dad and I went to the Westcoast National Park for the first time since my mom passed away in 2015.

On our way there we made a quick stop in Hopefield. I have passed this little town so many times in the past and never took any photos of it. It was raining so I just took photos of the church and the road coming in to town…

Next time I would like to spend more time capturing this little town.