Flower of the day Challenge: 23 June 2020

From a very young age I was exposed to Hydrangeas. My grandmother had the most beautiful Blue/Purple ones in her garden. Her pink ones was huge. I can remember a photo on my grandmothers nightstand with me next to it. I looked like a fairy under the big bloom. I wish I could get hold of it. I was about 18 months when it was taken.

While visiting Scotland I fell in love with these beauties all over again and when I got back from our tour I bought myself a plant at the nursery. It lost all it’s leaves though…. I just hope it stays alive during this cold winter. Yesterday I saw new leaves coming out. So I am trying to keep positive.

Thank you Cee for giving me the opportunity to post my Hydrangea photo’s again.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Walt Disney

Friendly Friday Weekly Challenge – The Colour Pink

This will be my first challenge I do since…….. Oh my word I can’t even remember when last I took part in challenges. In the beginning of June I decided that something needs to change so I made myself a Bullet Journal and have give myself some daily goals to complete. I think this way I will get my creative side also working again.

I love pink and purple, but not on myself. In my garden I would love different shades of pink and purple. I have noticed that most of my flower photography though is of purple flowers…. So maybe I lean more towards purple…. Not that I really care. Both colours are so beautiful in nature and who can go against Mother nature….

I love Hydrangeas and when dad and I visited Scotland I just could not get enough photo’s of these beauties.

Pink Hydrangea
Pink and White Hydrangea
Deep Pink Hydrangea

The next photo I took while my sister in law and I went for a one night break away. This vase with shades of pink Cosmos flowers was on a table opposite my bed.

Shades of Pink Cosmos

This one is for those of us who just love both Pink and Purple….. Mother Nature surely knows what colours go perfectly together…. I don’t know the name of these beautiful flowers, but one of my Instagram followers told me they look like dancing ladies….. So that is what I will call them in the mean time.

Dancing Ladies

Please visit our hosts page more information on this weeks Friendly Friday Weekly Challenge

Thank you Something to Ponder About for this awesome challenge. Looking forward to many more to come.

Till next time, stay safe….


“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney