Grand Tour of Scotland: Day 2 – Exploring Edinburgh Part 4

Dad went to sat down on a bench after the steep uphill and I took the opportunity to capture our surroundings. I loved taking photo’s of the taxi’s some are so colorful. After dads rest we walked past the Irish Embassy down Randolph Crescent….

Due to the fact that my google maps did not work at that stage I tried to follow a map in a booklet. Later we decided that we are just going to walk and see where we end up. Luckily for us we ended up in North Charlotte Street….

We had our morning tea at a cute little coffee shop named Fortuna Coffee Bar situated on Queen Street. After our tea break we walked down Queen Street admiring the architecture….

If we had time I think I would have taken much more photos of the sculptures on the buildings. But that would have meant I would at least spend 30 minutes maybe more per building. I think some would have taken me up to an hour just to capture all the detail…. Dad did some window shopping while I was getting “trigger” happy.

Here’s some more photos taken of the buildings…

Thank you for joining us on our walk down Queen Street.

“If you can dream it you can do it.” Walt Disney

6 thoughts on “Grand Tour of Scotland: Day 2 – Exploring Edinburgh Part 4

    1. Thank you Anabel, Yes we enjoyed our stay so much we are coming back next year for a whole 76 days. I am currently working on our itinerary. This time we are traveling in a campervan most of the places we can go the wild camping route but in Glosgow that is a bit of a pain. If you have any suggestions I will surely appreciate it. Everybody tells me I am silly to be planning our trip so far in advance. What they don’t understand is that we are basically travelling from Edinburgh covering the Lothians, Fife, Kinross, Perth, The North East 250 Route, the whole North Coast 500 Route, Orkney and 9 of it’s surrounding Islands then a bit of the Argyll area, Glasgow, North Ayrshire, Aran, The South West Coastal 300 Route and the Scottish Borders and ending in Edinburgh again… I hope I can fit everything into the 76 days…We are leaving two days after my oldest turns 21 and returning 2 days before my youngest turn 20… I have never missed either of their birthdays and I won’t start now…

        1. Dad is so looking forward to this trip. The Coronavirus is causing havoc all over the world. While I do my planning I am thinking the same thing. But I am positive that we will all come out stronger at the end.

        2. All we can do is try to be positive. I know most days it is difficult. I take this time to edit my previous trips photos and to study for my diploma… Also organized all my recipes in flipfiles and now I am trying out some new recipies…. I bought a recipe book in Scotland and every Wednesday is Alba day in our house. Everybody loves the food but I am running out of recipies….

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