Love being back in Byers Texas

First of all I want to say thank you for all the likes, comments, shares, and for those who are new to my blog a warm welcome.

I returned to Texas on 1 September. This was not a planned visit; I would only return in mid-October. Don’t get me wrong, I love my new slow-paced lifestyle here in Texas and am happy to be back.

I know I have been quiet and not posting as regularly as always, but behind the scenes, I am working hard to prepare for 2024.

What am I working on you ask?

  • I am still working on categorizing my website. I have a few years of posts to work through and categorize. When I started with this in January 2023 I did not think it was going to take this much time. But with all the changes in my life and adapting to my new slower pace lifestyle it is taking longer than antisipated.
  • Trying to catch up on my editwork. I still have not finished my Grand Tour of Scotland vacation with Dad. To be honest it is very hard and when I work on it I miss my Dad even more. But I am still editing only at a very slower pace than usual.
  • I am also working on my book and still have a few thousand photos to edit and pick the best ones for my book. Then, I must still continue researching and start with its layout.
  • I have been going on many recce trips and pinned about 300+ places on my Google Maps for future Photography trips.
  • I also started working on my Nature, Landscape, and Travel Photography Portfolios. This brings me so much joy and I really enjoy taking long walks and scouting for locations. I think I am going to compile a book on flowers here in Byers. Yes! I am obsessed with flowers and trees.
  • I try to go on at least one sunrise walk per week. I tried going on these walks without my camera, just my cellphone, but I felt very sorry and angry at myself for missing a shot. Now I take it with me. Sometimes I capture something, and sometimes I don’t even open my bag.
  • I want to start putting out some TikTok videos in January 2024 displaying my work. I am not comfortable being in front of the camera yet, but I think I can get used to that if I put my mind to it.
The start of my sunrise walks in Byers, Clay County, Texas, USA.
Byers Water Tower Silhouette, Byers, Clay County, Texas, USA
A small portion of the route that I walk.

Sunflower, Byers, Clay County, Texas, USA
View along my 4-mile Route, Byers, Clay County, Texas, USA.
Tortoise, Byers, Clay County, Texas, USA
Bull grazing, Byers, Clay County, Texas, USA

Thank you with all my heart for stopping by.

If you like what you see, please press the like button, share, and leave a comment. I read all my comments and try to answer them all.

Have a Blessed day


PS.  I am saving up for upcoming Landscape Photography Trips to Scotland and Namibia and a few road trips in the USA, including Route 66 and The historic Apache Trail. Also on my list are National Parks and Botanical gardens in South Africa, the UK, and the USA. 

The most important photography trip for me is to return to Scotland. I am honoring my promise to my Father to return and capture the beautiful landscapes and the elusive Puffins.  Your help to make these trips a reality would be much appreciated in today’s economy.

Please support me on☕ Ko-Fi