About Me

Taken with my Huawei P10

Good day, and welcome to my website and blog.
My name is Coreen. I’m a photographer, caretaker, lover of everything beautiful, and mother.

I’m from Cape Town, South Africa, but I spend a lot of time in North America with my partner who lives in Texas.

I am grateful for my family and friends, as they have been a great support system for me. It is because of their encouragement that I am here today, typing and posting to my photography blog.

I have always loved photography, and even though I didn’t have a decent camera, it didn’t stop me from taking photos with my little Pentax and Kodak cameras. In 2009, my ex-husband bought me my first DSLR, a Canon EOS 500D, and my dream of becoming a photographer became a reality.

Although I had no formal photography education, I believe that God gave me a talent, and I am thankful for the opportunity to capture the beauty that surrounds me. To improve my skills, I started reading up on photography, refreshing my memory, looking for ideas in magazines, and following other bloggers. Every day is a learning experience, and with each shoot, I can see improvement.

I enrolled in a photography course at The Photography Institute after returning from Scotland in 2019 to take my photography skills up a notch. I am proud to have graduated on June 10, 2021, and have learned a lot about myself as a photographer and my camera.

If you want to become a photographer, it’s important to get to know your camera and gear, take your time to get the shot right the first time, push your boundaries and try something new, go out and look for that wow photo, enjoy what you do, and practice, practice, practice.

I put my heart and soul into each photo, particularly when I’m doing a photoshoot of a family. My goal is for my clients to enjoy their photoshoot, which results in lovely photos.

On this blog, I will showcase some of my work and inspire and motivate others. I may post some personal stories from time to time and share some photos from my travels, along with information about the places I have visited.

All of my photos are for sale, and I will tag the post with #photoforsale. Additionally, all of my inspirational and daily affirmation photos are also available for purchase. If you want more information, please email me.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy the photos and stories.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Walt Disney


106 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello!

    Congratulations on being my 200th Follower! Thank you very much for following and for liking lots of my posts.

    I love your photographs of a country I fell in love with many years ago and which I have visited three times. I shall enjoy following you in return 🙂

    1. Hi there,

      It’s my pleasure. Love your posts.

      I also love Beautiful things and my passion is to capture the beauty in everything.

      Thank you for following my blog. 😉

  2. Cool Coreen! I finally subscribed to your blog and I didn’t know you lived in CapeTown! It is such a gorgeous place! I visited about eight years ago and fell in love with SA. I hope to make it there again! Do you follow Rory Alexander at all? He is another South African blogger and photographer that I enjoy. I also follow Another Day in Paradise and 2Summers. Lots of great bloggers coming from South Africa! 🙂 nicole

    1. Hi Nicole,

      Thank you for subscribing. Yes Cape Town is lovely. I only really started to following the different blogs a few weeks ago. I always wondered how everybody got so many likes then I saw they follow allot of blogs. I love travel and photography so those are my first choice in blogs. I also follow Another day in Paradise will go have a look at Rory Alexander. LOL I was not really an active blogger till I got my new camera end of March 2012. Now I can’t wait to get blogging. This weekend I entered some challenges and I must be honest I can’t wait for the next ones. When you come visit South Africa again feel free to look me up. Love meeting new friends… 🙂 Coreen

      1. Thanks Correen! Yes the photo challenges are a great way to get involved, get more subscribers and meet other fellow bloggers who you will want to follow to. It is hard to follow a lot of blogs. I subscribe to a lot because I love reading them. Yet it gets hard to always read all the posts when there are so many new ones each day in my Inbox! I try to pick and choose but it is hard. 🙂

        1. 😉 I love reading about other people and their travels. I can get lost in their photo’s. When hubby works night shift I usually catch up on all my blogs.

  3. So glad you stopped by my blog today so that we could meet. You have some beautiful work here, and I totally agree to the practice, practice, practice part; that is something that is helping me along 🙂

    1. Only a pleasure Angeline. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I believe that you never will know everything that is why I constantly read up, look at other peoples work and practice it myself. 🙂

  4. Congratulations, I´ve nominated you for the “Family of Bloggers Award”, to see what is involved check out my blog. If you choose not to accept the award I will not be offended, I just wanted to show how much I enjoy reading your blog and also to say thank you for your support and encouragement! Have a great day,G 🙂

    1. Thank you very much Giana, Sorry for only replying now but It was hectic this side of the world. Getting ready for a few days away on holiday and trying to finish up some work. I am honored and I accept this reward. I will over the weekend work on this award. The Matric Farewell’s is keeping me busy right now.
      Thank you again.

  5. Coreen, thank you for taking a peek at my newly developed blog. Its so fun and at times daunting to try and stay up with the dozen of post and comments etc, etc. Please come back often as I will continue to develop and explore my poetry and soon I will start a new page with what I hope are not senseless ramblings, rather a thought provoking diatribe of varied view.

    1. Thank you very much Eva. Wow I feel so honored. I will work on this over the weekend. The Matric Farewell’s is keeping me a bit busy just before my holiday.

  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and gifting me with an award, I am very flattered because your blog is truly amazing and I aspire to become such a good photographer. 🙂

  7. Hello, thank you for calling in and liking my posts! i wonder if you can advise me? How do I put a watermark on my photos? Do I have to have special editing stuff? I use iphoto on my Mac and don’t do anything to my photos at present other than cropping. I’d be really grateful if you could point me in the right direction. 🙂

    1. Hi there, my pleasure.

      I use PhotoScape to put my watermark on my photo’s. It’s a free download. I don’t know how iphoto work.

      Hope it helps.

  8. Hi Coreen,
    Thank you for visiting my humble blog. I’m following you now so I can learn from you 🙂 Like you said, it really takes practice, practice, practice. I got my DSLR only in August last year. Before that I just use point-and-shoot for my photos. So I’m also learning anew.
    Have a blessed weekend!
    Warm regards,

    1. It’s a pleasure Mary. Thank you for following. Yes practice is the best. I am still getting to know my new camera that I got a year ago. Pushing boundaries and keep trying new settings by the time I need to upgrade again I hope I mastered this one…

  9. Hi, Corren! Thank you for following my blog! I look forward to seeing what you have done and what you will do in the future! I agree about the formal training. I did take a basics class when I got my first DSLR, and that really helped a lot, but like you I have mostly learned from others’ generosity with information and practice practice practice!

    1. Hi Joylene,

      It’s a pleasure and thank you for following my blog. Looking forward to read some more interesting articles on your blog.

  10. Hello Coreen,

    Thanks for dropping by Good Stewardship 🙂 I see that you’re stewarding the gifts He’s given you! Beautiful photos! My best friend in primary is South African as well, has a special place in my heart. Take care!

  11. Thanks for your “Like” of my blog post and in so doing, introducing me to yours. A beautiful site, which I will enjoy visiting along the way!

  12. It is sort of a meditation sometimes to grab the camera and just see what comes along 🙂 Thank you for the visit to my blog and your photos are awesome too!

  13. Hello Coreen, your website is full of inspirational ideas, photographs, subjects of wonder and more. Your Walt Disney quote is very appropriate to you and your website too.
    Stay safe

  14. Hi – just wanted to leave a note to say hello and say glad to connect in blog world – your photography is so nice and has your flair 🙂

  15. Hi
    I visited your site. I read your biography. Very nice your work. Good photography. I like .

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