What’s In My Garden? #284

Greetings from my garden….

Coriander Plant (2020/11/19)

Coriander Plant
Coriander Plant
Coriander Plant
Coriander Plant
Coriander Plant

“Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Thank you very much for taking the time to join me in exploring our garden.

Till next time, please stay safe and healthy.

🌸Have a fabulous day.🌸


2 thoughts on “What’s In My Garden? #284

  1. i got a flower to grow finally. we bought some bulbs and planeted them in my back yard and one of them began to grow. its really cool to me because i dont have a green thumb at all. i water it siting in a chair because i have a hard time standing up due to injury.

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