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Counting down the days…. Scotland are you ready?

Hi everyone,

Well now it is getting real…. Last week we got our visas, yesterday I finished our detailed itinerary and today it’s 26 days before we depart for Scotland.

You are going to think I am crazy, but I have packed my suitcase and weighed it. Unpacked it and put everything together. I have plenty of kilograms left for gifts and information leavelets….

I have made my checklists for what to buy for trip and what to pack. Tomorrow I am buying the last few things then I am ready to start packing and go and explore beautiful Scotland and the Outer Hebrides.

I worked on our detailed itinerary in the early mornings before I start working, during my lunch hour, at night after we had supper and over the weekends. Did research, draw up a list of places I would like to capture and visit. Over a period of nearly 6 month’s of adding and removing places. Changing our routes to cover as much as possible I am finally finished…

Now I am busy drafting my travel blog so that I can just add photos and some details of what happend on the day. Our days are going to be packed and I will only post late at night or very early the next morning. So to save time do drafts to make it a bit easier for me.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

“If you can dream it you can do it.” Walt Disney

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