Getting rid of clutter in my life and business…







About Four years ago I bought the book Crystals, Colour and Chakra to help me to get to know the different types of Crystals and their healing powers. I started reading it but never came very far.  A few weeks back I was a bit bored when I were suppose to sit and relax so that my hernia could settle soI grabbed the book and started flipping through the pages. Then I got to a part were it explained clutter and a few pages further on about the different rooms in your house.

I started with my kitchen cupboards and after I have rearranged nearly all the cupboards and got rid of all the stuff we never use and all the goodies with expiry dates long past.I suddenly felt like spending more time in my kitchen. I love that everything is together and my kitchen tops are clutter free…. In the past I did not feel like cooking at all, now I could not wait to get cooking and baking again… The old me is back. I used to love cooking and baking and over the years the clutter consumed my eagerness…

While lying in my bed one evening I came to the conclusion that I need to do the same with every room in our house. I read the book the secret and in there they also talked about making space for the things you would like to have. Well I want much more business so the next room on my list was a office space… So the past weekend was spend on this task…

My dressing room also doubled as a office space and before it did not have any room for creativity. It was cluttered and my desk had heaps of bills, papers, magazines. The shelves was full of clothes some I never even wear and I have a cupboard that was also full of stuff that I never use and frankly I really don’t know why I kept it all.

When I decided to make and huge career change from a Tax Practitioner to Photographer I was still studying Law also. I would never go in that direction again so  I got rid of all my notes and textbooks and in the process freed up two shelves….

I went through my clothes and shoes and decided to donate it to the charity shop around the corner of our house. Now my clothes are all in the cupboard.

I had a dressing table in front of the window and it was  full of old books, boxes and stuff I can’t even remember we bought. I got rid of all the books and boxes and moved the dressing table to our room. It now doubles as a bedside table… I also had a cream curtain and it did not do anything for my new look so I brought in some color.  My mother gave me a lovely orange curtain and a Peace Lilly. I brought in a round table with a sand colour tablecloth and I put the Lilly on it the room transformed instantly.

I am still not finish with this room I still want to bring in some more yellow and Orange and also want to buy myself a small water feature.

I also incorporated my crystals throughout the space….

I am also still busy  getting rid of old files on my computer  and two external hard drives because this is also clutter that can prevent more work coming my way… I must say I enjoy going through my old files and deleting all the photo’s of  bad quality. I can also see the progress I made over the past four years and I must say I am very proud of myself.

Now this may seem to good to be true but now with my new office space I feel much more confident and also feel like writing more posts and start posting some of my work that I did when I just started with photography….

Hmmm I must admit all this getting rid of clutter is giving me more energy….

I chose the following colours for my Office space:

Orange:  Abundance, Fertility, Health, Joy, Attraction, Luck, Marks the boundary between the self and others; associated with the sun, Projective  energy

Yellow:  Communication, the Intellect, Learning, Concentration, also movement, Travel and change, associated with Mercury, The element of Air, the east, projective energy.

Green:  The heart and emotions, Love, also nature, gardens and growth, money and prosperity, employment, associated wit the Earth element.

I also would like to bring in blue and pink. Still thinking on how to incorporate this. Maybe I must use these colours in my studio together with green. But when I get there I’ll write another post on the studio and before and after photo’s this time…