Magical People Who Made a Difference: 3 May 2021

28 Weeks of practicing Gratitude….

Week 12: Magical People who made a difference.

“Every one of us has received help, support, or guidance from other people at particular times in our life when we needed it most. Sometimes another person alters the course of our life through their encouragement, guidance, or just being there at the right time. And then life goes on, and we tend to forget those times when one person touched us or changed our life. Sometimes you don’t even realize the impact a person had until well into the future, when you look back on your life and realize that a particular person was pivotal in magically changing the direction of your life for the better.”

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each one of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

All of us have people in our lives that made a difference. I know I have a lot of roleplayers in mine. Some are still with me, and others have moved away, or life took them on a different path.

This weeks activity is all about thanking these roleplayers for the way they impacted your life. Think back and choose three people who made a difference in your life. It can be from helping you through a difficult time to making a career choice. Sit somewhere quiet and speak out loud to each person as if they are there with you. Tell them what they did and how it changed your life. Then say Thank you, name. Do all three in the same session so that you can feel the gratitude working its magic.

My Mother was an important roleplayer in my life. She taught me about the value of respect and good manners, was my best friend, my teacher, and my pillar of strength. Thank you, Mom, for all that you taught me. Thank you, Mom, for helping to shape me into the woman I am today.

Daily gratitude routine.

  1. When you wake up to a new day, before doing a single thing say, Thank You.
  2. Say, Thank you for the magical day I am going to have.
  3. From the moment you put your feet on the ground until you finished your morning routine, say the magic words, Thank You, in your mind for everything you touch and use.
  4. Go through my plans for the day in my mind and say, Thank you in advance for it going smoothly.
  5. Say, Thank you for the great news coming to me today!
  6. Count your blessings: Make a list of 10 blessings. Write why you’re grateful for each blessing. Reread your list and say “Thank you, thank you, thank you” Feeling gratitude for each blessing.
  7. Identify 2 relationships and write 5 things you are grateful for in the person. It can be a family member, a friend, a colleague even a pet. During the day say “Thank you, name.”
  8. Say thank your for your different body parts, organs and your senses. Be grateful for each of them.
  9. Four times a day read the words on the card slowly and be grateful for your health. (THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE.)
  10. Four times or more a day look at your Magic Bill and be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given in your life. (THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MONEY I’VE BEEN GIVEN THROUGHOUT MY LIFE.)
  11. While at work, look for things to be grateful for. Say to yourself. ‘I am so grateful for ……….’
  12. Try to go through the day without saying or thinking anything negative. If you think negative thoughts stop immediately and say but I am really grateful for…..
  13. Say, Thank you and be grateful every time you eat of drink something.
  14. When someone perform a service that benefits you, look them in the face and say, Thank you.
  15. For 90 seconds, say Thank you every time you take a step.
  16. Practice my heart magic.
  17. Take 5 deep breaths during the day and say, Thank you for the magical air that I breathe.
  18. Before going to bed, take your magic rock/gratitude rock in your hand and think about all the things to be grateful for that happened the day and say, Thank you.

Thank you with all my heart for stopping by. Thank you for your continued support. I am truly grateful for every view, like, follow and comment.

Stay safe and grateful.

Have a Blessed day.


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