Good Morning: 18 January 2021

Good morning friends,

It is a beautiful day today. According to the weather forecast on my App it is going to be 32°C but here in Kraaifontein we must add at least an extra 4°C so it’s going to be a scorcher today. I gave the plants a little water this morning just to keep them going till tonight when I will put on the sprayer again.

I have a lot on my To Do list for today.

Do Laundry. Sweep floors. Edit. Schedule some posts for the future. But the most important one of all I must be grateful for everything that was ever given to me throughout my life.

Day 5 of my 28 Days of Gratitude.

Todays activity is all about Money. This one took me by surprise. I must say I never thought about all the money I have received since I was a baby…. Okay I am not talking about money I received that reflected in my bank account or in my piggy bank. I am talking about food, drinks, a home, pets, gifts, electricity, water, sport, hobbies, doctors appointments, education, toiletries, clothes the list goes on and on.

For todays activity go sit down and think about everything big or small where money was paid for you, say and feel the magic words, thank you, with all your heart for each instance.

Take a 1 Dollar Bill or what ever currency you have ( I took a R20 bill) and stick a note on the bill and write in bold letters.


Take the bill with you today. Take it in your hand and read the note and be truly grateful for the abundance of money you’ve been given.

After today, put your Magic Bill somewhere you will see it every day to remind you to continue to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given in your life.

I am adding today’s activity to my daily gratitude routine.

  1. Count your blessings: Make a list of 10 blessings. Write why you’re grateful for each blessing. Reread your list and say “thank you, thank you, thank you” Feeling gratitude for each blessing.
  2. Identify 2 relationships and write 5 things you are grateful for in the person. It can be a family member, a friend, a colleague even a pet. During the day say “Thank you, name.”
  3. Say thank your for your different body parts, organs and your senses. Be grateful for each of them.
  4. Four times a day read the words on the card slowly and be grateful for your health. (THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE.)
  5. Four times or more a day look at your Magic Bill and be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given in your life. (THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MONEY I’VE BEEN GIVEN THROUGHOUT MY LIFE.)
  6. Before going to bed, take your magic rock/gratitude rock in your hand and think about all the things to be grateful for that happened the day and say Thank you.

Have a wonderful Monday.

Thank you for your ongoing support and taking the time to read my post.


4 thoughts on “Good Morning: 18 January 2021

  1. Good morning my lovely blog friend, here is England its going to be a high of 6 Celsius, overnight 1 Celsius, but im still smiling at work and at home, loving your post my friend ❤

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