Berghoff Fynbos Farm Part 9 of 10

After our walk it was time to cool down. The kids spend the most of the day on the water in the canoe and the little boat.

Lian my youngest love to try out new things and it was no surprise when he took out the canoe and boat for a spin on the water.

It was nice and cool down by the pond.

Armand my oldest is not really physical guy. He will be found in front of his computer either playing games, watching movies or series. I was very surprised when I saw him in the boat with his brother from the house. I grabbed my camera and took some photos. Then Desiree and I walked down to the pond to have a closer look.

Desiree is not really one who likes to try new things. Armand has this power of pursuasion and after a while she was in the boat and enjoying herself. Later Lian took the rope of the boat tied it to his canoe and started pulling her to the center of the pond. Untied her and left her there so that she have to paddle back to land.

Aran my brother’s little boy is just like his dad and nephew Lian. Love taking chances and trying out something new.

The biggest kid of all, my brother took Morgan out on the water too. She did not want to get out of the boat after that….

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