Ruby Tuesday: 20/21 Weeks

Ruby_5166 Ruby_5172 Ruby_5179

Ruby_5180 Ruby_5194 Ruby_5196 Ruby_5200


Ruby_5203 Ruby_5206 Ruby_5207 Ruby_5222 Ruby_5224

Ruby_5229 Ruby_5233 Ruby_5234


Good day everyone,

Here in Cape Town it’s raining cats and dogs.  Ruby loves the water pools and keep asking me to go outside.  This morning she dropped her stick in a pool of water and she wanted to get it out of the water.  In the end everybody was wet, myself , Tammy our miniature Dutch hound and Tekkies our miniature Sheep dog. Ruby got her stick and headed for her bed…

Over the weekend Ruby got a bit confused with the public holiday and hubby laying in later for 3 days in a row. She is used to her cuddle time every morning when hubby leaves for work. So Sunday morning she tricked him to go to the kitchen and feed her she turned around and came jumping on the bed got into her cuddle position and did not budge when hubby came back…. I love our cuddle times also she lies with her head on my arm and her paw in my hand….

Yesterday Ruby went to the Vet for her injections and to get chipped.  Everything is 100% and she growing up so fast.

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