Project 365 Photo a day: 365/75

Today I wanted to go outdoors and take some photo’s but for 5 days now I have this terrible headache and I just could not stand the bright light.

So I decided to show you where I spend more than 12 hours a day.  When I am not out capturing some lovely family, person or our Heavenly Fathers gift to us. I’ll either sit at my desk edit all those lovely photo’s or I’ll be busy on my Facebook page, website or answering my emails.

As you can see I have two external hard drives on my desk. I take all my photo’s in RAW and as soon as I did a photo shoot I backup to one of the  hard drives. Then after I edited all the photo’s the finished products get backed up on both hard drives.  I don’t dispose of the edited photo’s but after a year I do delete the RAW files…

My Blackberry or as I would like to call it my “White berry” is always and arms length or even sometimes next to the mouse.  Sometimes I get confused and move the cellphone around only to realize I don’t have the right tool in my hand to do the job.

Working on Facebook page…
Desk in Black & White.


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